Wednesday, 9 February 2011

God Feb/2011

A secret look into God's waiting room this
is what I think it would look like.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Same Page Feb/2011

Created in my sketchbook simple drawing of Two lovers
Inspired by understanding in relationships.

Scare Bear Feb/2011

I like drawing bears and naked people so decided I 
would put the two together and this is what I created.

Tom Jan/2011

Created using photoshop and woodsticks with black ink
Inspired my friend who is a teacher talking about show and tell. 

Brian Jan/2011

Brian:painted drawn and 
photoshop.Inspired by Tim Burtons short stories.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Spoons Sept/2010

Spoons: hand drawn Photoshop.
  Inspired by spooning for all sexuality's. 

Hell Aug/2010

Hell:Inspired by nice things to some people but hell to others.

Peace Pigeon Aug/2010

 The original peace bird was a pigeon and was
changed to a dove.Inspired by Picasso.

KnitWear Produced for my Book May/2010

I took a pen and did a lot of circling this is what
was created, a yarn knitting a jumper.

Crocodiles Produced for my Book May/2010

I was trying to draw a dinosaur but couldn't quite get it,
the more I tried the camper the crocodile became. 

Twatwest Produced for my Book May/2010

Inspired by a trip to the bank thinking i had money in my account
and then realising my balance is nill.

Moustache Man Produced for my Book May/2010

Inspired by a man with a great moustache I met
in Manchester I decided I would write a poem about him.

Burger Produced for my Book May/2010

Burger: Inspired by My stomach. 

Continuous and Blind Drawing May/2010

   The 2 main drawing technique's that I was taught,
I decided I would put an obvious spin on it.

Abandoned mental Health Hospital Photography Project. May/2010

For my final project I made a visual diary, 
I went to a run down abandoned hospital for inspiration.

Lead Prints Nov/2010

Prints made with the use of lead
They were crafted with inspiration derived from metal objects.

Love Birds Feb/2010

Image produced using red and pink materials
for a project entitled Love.

Black and White Photography Book Binding Project. Oct/2010

Using black and white objects and improvisation I produced
Monochrome Images used for book binding. 

Let React June/2009

                                 Inspired by Artist i had seen at the Moma New york.
                      Theme was Politics in Art. Created using Photoshop/Illustrator.


Let React June/2009

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                                My final project for the Artwork and Design course
                       inspired by My visit to the Moma in New York.